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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 2 & 3 Raw

Day two was cool: mangos for breakfast. By the way I am obsessed with local S. Florida mangos! I ate 100 in 7 days recently. When I bite into a great mango, the first taste gets me high. I get into a mango munching frenzy and then, 7 mangos later, I have to back away from the kitchen like a murder scene. I am by no means a nutritionist and I only give my experience with nutrition, but I would suggest that if you have a sugar issue, DON'T eat 10 mangos per hour. However, if you do not DOOO IT! When I tell people this, they say "whaaaa...thats too much sugar!" Well its fruit and I think I should eat a lot of fruit like my closest animal relative the chimp. I also do not eat refined sugar...white, brown, or corn-derived. So, if thats how you swing, eat yo fruit chimp! So, mangos for breakfast, green smoothie for lunch & salad:
romaine, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, sunflower seeds, apple cider vinegar...for lunch. Then dinner was great! I had my raw friend over and I made the following:

Cream of Carrawt Soup

3 carrots(cut into 1 inch pieces)
1 granny smith apple(quartered)
1 pinky tip ginger
1/4 tsp all spice
rock salt & pepper to taste
blend all ingredients in a high power(hp) blender and separate in a bowl
1 cup cashews
1 cup water
blend into cashew cream and then add carrot mixture and blend until warm
serve with shredded carrot garnish and black pepper

I made a version of this soup for a raw food class I did recently. The first time I used fresh carrot and apple juice. This time i didn't have a juicer on had so I adapted and threw the whole thing in. It came out with an incredible texture and improved the body of the soup.
I give this soup 4.5 stars with an energy spent rating of 2 (5 being the most energy spent)

Next course:

Pesto a la Raw

1 cup walnuts
1/4 cup pine nuts
1/2 lemon juiced
8 sun-dried tomato pieces or half a cup
1 cup fresh basil
1 clove garlic
1/4 cup water
Blend ingredients in a food processor and serve over spiraled zucchini or sunflower greens. Garnish with sliced grape tomatoes, sunflower greens, and lemon slices. Top with Raw parmesan cheese. I give this dish 4 stars with an energy spent rating of 3.5.

Raw Parmesan Cheese:

1/2 cup pine nuts
2 Tbsp nutritional yeast flakes
1/2 tsp rock salt

Mash all ingredients in a bowl or blend in a food processor.

For this dinner, I asked my friend to think of a dish she would like done raw and she picked pesto. Basically, raw food creations are easy. There is no heating/cooking element, so the food comes out tasting how I imagine it will. I decided to add sun-dried tomatoes because they add an amazing natural saltiness to any dish and also give the pesto a thicker more savory body. The spiraled raw zucchini is an excellent substitute for pasta and holds the sauce nicely. Sunflower greens(vitamin D source) can be used as an even healthier alternative. The parmesan cheese recipe is great! Excellent topping for any raw pasta dish!

Raw-vocado Chocolate Mousse

2 avocados
1/2 cup raw cacao powder
15 dates

Blend all ingredients in a hp blender. Chill in refrigerator for an hour before serving. Top with fresh berries.

This is one of my favorite desserts in the world! I am a chocolate fiend and I eat an avocado every day. So this makes sense to me. Also this makes sense because chocolate and avocados grow in the same part of the world. So they are flavor neighbors. In addition chocolate is a top anti-oxident food and very high in magnesium. The healthy fat in avocados help the absorption of other nutrients making this a very high calorie nutrient dense delicious dessert! I give this dessert 4 stars with an energy spent rating of 1.

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