20oz bok choy juice
1 lemon-juiced
Bok choy is my new best green friend. It is so crisp, juicy, nutrient dense, and delicious! I have been removing the greens from the tops and juicing the white stalks. This is the best way to get our water; through mother natures filter. Forget a $20,000 Klingon water filter...just eat more fruits, veggies, and drink spring water! Anyway, I juice the stalks and then use the greens for my lunchtime green smoothie. Organic bok choy is only $1.29/lb at Whole Foods. So for $2.00 a get my morning juice and my green smoothie! As a comparison, a lb of kale is about $9.00 and nowhere near as juicy as the choy! So save the choy greens and the kale for the smoothies and juice the Bok!
After I drink the lemonade, say some prayers, meditate, and digest the juice, I drink my brAVO-Carotenoid Smoothie. This has been modified to:
10 carrots juiced
1/2 an apple juiced
1 lemon juiced
then blend the above with
1 avocado
This has become my all-time favorite tasting smoothie creation! It is amazing!
After 1-2 hours, I make my green smoothie:
40oz water
1 avocado
2 Tbsp flax seeds
1 Tbsp bee pollen
Blend until consistent then add
2 large handfulls leafy greens
3 frozen bananas
Blend and drink up!
this makes 64oz and you may need to add more water. I drink half, then bottle the other half for work. I have beeb packing little superfood snacks for work:
1 handful raw cacao nibs
1 handfull bee pollen
1 handful walnuts
1 tip of the jar of raw unfiltered unstrained wildflower organic honey
I mix this up and munch it in the afternoon. It's energizing and very satisfying!
I didn't make this today though. Today for a snack I had spicy raw flax crackers, 18oz fresh organic pineapple, and then a spinach salad and a large bag of dried mangos for dinner.
Everyday I have been making another bok choy lemonade for a midnight snack, but tonight I just munched:
coconut butter(whole ground coconut)
cacao nibs
raw honey
bee pollen
Today was different. I had, in this order:
Green Smoothie
Raw homemade sprouted hummus
Bok choy lemonade
brAVO Carotenoid Smoothie
Fresh Organic Pineapple
Spicy Flax Crackers
Spinach salad
large bag dried mangos
Coconut butter/cacao/pollen/honey mix
1 fuji apple
I'm writing all this because people always ask me what I eat and to show that you can be raw and eat very well. I have learned this time around that I need more protein, fats, and acidic foods while eating raw. The lack of grounding some report when only eating raw food may be from an extreme alkaline high. I am so nourished and mentally balanced between the raw oil-free food and the no-caffeine that this time around, the raw path is without speed bumps and is immensely more rewarding.